• Our evolution over the years, strengthened by the support of Mount Royal Academy, has been characterized by a gradual transition towards greater independence and reliance on the collective wisdom and grace provided to us.

    From contributing board members to our committed staff, God has placed each in our path here in Lancaster to grant us a secure footing with our Savior as our continued rock. All the while, we have remained forever grateful for our family in Sunapee for their actions and support.

    With profound gratitude, humility, and prayer, we announce the renaming of our institution to Saint John Paul II School. This decision, rooted in prayer and discernment from our team of key constituents, strengthens our community's connection to our mission while affirming our joyful ownership of this journey. Our commitment to authentic Catholic education remains steadfast as we move forward with a deep sense of confidence in God's plan.

    *Refer to the letter below this section for a more detailed explanation of the decision to change our school's name.

  • You do not have to be Catholic to attend SJPII School.  We wouldn't be a Catholic school if we didn't open our doors to people of all faiths or even no faith. The Catholic faith is central to the identity of the school and all students must attend weekly rosary and Mass, as well as participate in daily prayer moments and the theology curriculum. However, our philosophy is one of exposure to the faith, rather than one of imposition of the faith. All students can benefit from learning the truths and practices of the Catholic faith, since the Church has been commissioned to be an "expert in the human person". A friendly, cooperative, and respectful environment enhances the entire human experience. 

  • Students are required to wear formal uniforms. Every Friday students can wear any type of SJPII gear offered through our retailer, Tommy Hilfiger.

  • The school day begins at 8:00am and concludes by 2:50pm.

  • SJPII offers before care for families who may need to drop children off before 8:00am. This program is open to all students enrolled in our school. Before school care begins at 7:00am, and families will be billed $4 per hour monthly. If you do not wish to utilize before care, students may be dropped off between 7:45-8:00am.

  • The Catholic identity of SJPII is the most defining characteristic of our school community. Our Catholic identity influences how we teach, how we play, and how we pray. Catholicism is not simply a subject matter taught here, it is the essence of who we are.

    Mass is held weekly and Reconciliation is offered regularly.

  • Saint John Paul II School is an independent school, and operates separate from the diocese. It has it’s own board that determines all financial, personnel, and development decisions.

  • Students are asked to give to others across all grade levels in a way that is appropriate to their abilities.  One of the beautiful aspects of the school is our commitment to personal virtue and community service. 

  • SJPII has a rolling admissions policy. Families are encouraged to visit the school and fill out an application at any time. Our administration recognizes that each family deals with unique circumstances. We strive to be as present and accommodating as possible. In saying this, please note that classes do tend to fill up quickly, as space is limited.

Below is a letter from our Head of School, detailing the decision behind our school’s name change.

To our valued community, 

It is with great excitement and sincere humility that I write to you today. 

As I reflect on my role as Head of School at Mount Royal Academy North in Lancaster, I am overwhelmed by the abundance of blessings and the profound sense of purpose this vocation has brought me. Starting Mount Royal Academy North was a call from God that required an immense amount of trust. Entrusting our school to His divine intervention has bestowed upon me immeasurable joy and fulfillment, not only personally but for our entire school community. He presented a plan so great that it was only possible it came from God. The community of faith created here at our school is such a beautiful witness that my team and I do not take for granted.

At the start of our journey in opening the school, my team and I met with Dave Thibault. Mr. Thibault was not only supportive but offered beneficial guidance on how to move forward, putting us in touch with Mr. Derek Tremblay, the Headmaster at Mount Royal Academy located in Sunapee, NH. The resonance between our respective missions and visions was striking, prompting Mr. Thibault’s wise suggestion that we draw inspiration from their successful model while staying true to our unique vision. 

Mr. Thibualt was indeed correct, and as we began the process of opening Mount Royal Academy North, we were incredibly grateful for the guidance regarding policy formation, curriculum development, and logistical considerations. While we embraced our distinct identity and governance structure, the support extended by the team in Sunapee was a beacon of wisdom and encouragement. We entered this relationship with the agreement that our sister-school terms would be the length of three years, reassessing this partnership  after each three year term. 

The goal of a parent is to nurture and care for their children while they are young so that they are able to successfully survive on their own. Through the years, the children develop the confidence needed to let the teachings of their parents guide them towards realizing their God-given potential. It is a beautiful success when parents see their children embrace their God-given gifts and watch them successfully navigate life using their faith as their guide. I remember the quote, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Our evolution over the years, strengthened by the support of Mount Royal Academy, has been characterized by a gradual transition towards greater independence and reliance on the collective wisdom and grace provided to us. From contributing board members to our committed staff, God has placed each in our path here in Lancaster to grant us a secure footing with our Savior as our continued rock.  All the while, we have remained forever grateful for our family in Sunapee for their actions and support. 

Through the years, a picture in our building has quoted Saint John Paul II, “Do not be afraid to be saints.” A large goal for my staff and I is to  aim to help create our students into saints that make their way to heaven. My staff and I continue to reassure students that the invitation is there for each of them to do so! What better person to pass on the advice not to be afraid of this other than Saint John Paul II?

Saint John Paul II lived a life to be admired. He connected with people young and old, religious and non-religious, and unlocked the beauty of Catholicism for more people than we can count. His dedication to our Virgin Mother Mary, exemplary forgiveness, dedication to the spiritual renewal of the church, and unwavering faith are just a few ways he serves to be the ultimate role model for all. As the patron saint of World Youth Day, his charismatic personality offers a loving invitation to our youth to unite with Christ. This is what my staff and I are determined to unfold for every student who walks through our doors, that the invitation to Christ is there, waiting to be opened- That the invitation to be a saint is there, at their fingertips! Do not be afraid! 

The team and I are grateful for these past years of living out our vocation here, and with an open heart allowing our Lord to guide us and bring us closer to Saint John Paul II and his teachings, incorporating him into our lives and classrooms. 

With profound gratitude, humility, and prayer, we announce the renaming of our institution to Saint John Paul II School. This decision, rooted in prayer and discernment from our team of key constituents, strengthens our community's connection to our mission while affirming our joyful ownership of this journey. Our commitment to authentic Catholic education remains steadfast, propelled by gratitude for the support of Mount Royal Academy as we respectfully end our second “three year term” as their sister school. We move forward with a deep sense of confidence in God's plans. I am reminded of another quote from Saint John Paul II; “Let us remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm, and look forward to the future with confidence.”

The school mascot we will adopt will be the Saints. We feel this is beyond fitting for our school community, following Saint John Paul II’s advice in communicating with our students the importance of not being afraid to become saints. Additionally, our hometown parish here in Lancaster is “All Saints,” which is a part of the greater Gate of Heaven Parish. We look forward to adopting our new name for the 2024/2025 school year.

With hearts full of gratitude and enthusiasm, we eagerly anticipate the continuation of our mission, guided by the faith and the enduring love of Christ.

Yours in Christ, 

Jill Colby, Head of School

Mount Royal Academy North/Saint John Paul II School